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『서양고전학연구』 62-3호 원고 모집 공고

Dear Members of GRS,

We would like to invite all to submit original research papers published in The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies, one of the foremost peer-reviewed academic journals in South Korea since 1986. We publish an international issue once a year in December. Submissions should be prepared electronically (uploading a file at our JAMS ( https://classics.jams.or.kr/ ), but foreign scholars who do not have access to JAMS can submit directly via e-mail ( greco_roman_studies@naver.com ). An abstract with approximately 250 words should accompany the submission. The deadline for the upcoming December issue is November 20, but we welcome submissions throughout the year.

- Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 20th, 2023
- A manuscript contributor must be registered as an on-line member until November 20th, 2023, by visiting our Home-page ( http://www.greco-roman.or.kr/52 ). 
- This issue is an international version, and the manuscript should be written in English, in German, or in French. 
- The manuscript should not exceed the length of 6000 words unless the contributor gets permission from the editorial board. The manuscript should include an abstract and about five keywords in English. Even if the manuscript is written in German or in French, the abstract and the keywords should be in English. 
- We welcome research notes, book reviews, and reports of international conferences. 
- The accepted papers will be published in the Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 62-3(Winter), on December 31st, 2023. 

 한국서양고전학회 회원 여러분 ,

 서양고전학 연구 편집위원에서는 본 학회 학술지  서양고전학연구 』  62-3호 에 실을 논문과 글을 다음과 같이 모집하고 있습니다 .

논문제출 마감일 2023 년 11월 20
논문투고처 한국서양고전학회  JAMS ( https://classics.jams.or.kr/ )
이번 호는 국제판입니다 저자는 영문 독문 불문으로 논문을 작성할 수 있습니다 .
원고분량은  6,000 단어 원고지  150 매입니다 여기에 영문으로 작성된 요약과  5 개의 키워드가 추가됩니다 .
서평과 국제학술대회보고도 환영합니다 .
게재가능으로 판정된 글들은  서양고전학연구 』  62-3, 2023  겨울호에 게재됩니다. 
- 학회에서 정한 원고 작성 규정과 JAMS 투고 방법을 첨부합니다. 
