Call for papers
Dear Members of GRS,
The editorial board of GRS encourages you to submit your papers for Journal of GRS 58-3(2019, Winter) as follows.
l Manuscript Submission Deadline: October 30th, 2019.
l A contributor of a manuscript must be registered as an on-line member until October 30th, 2019, by visiting our Home-page ( It is recommended for the contributor to upload a file of the manuscript directly at the site. (But if she/he finds it difficult, she/he may send a file to the email address:
l This issue is an international version, and the manuscript should be written in English, in German, or in French.
l The manuscript should not exceed the length of 8000 words, unless the contributor gets the permission from the editorial board. The manuscript should include an abstract and about 5 keywords in English. Even if the manuscript is written in German or in French, the abstract and the keywords should be in English.
l We welcome research notes, book reviews, and reports of international conferences.
l The accepted papers will be published in the Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 58-3, on December 31th, 2019.
논문 모집공고.
한국서양고전학회 회원 여러분.
서양고전학 연구 편집위원에서는 본 학회 학술지 『서양고전학연구』 58-3에 실을 논문과 글을
다음과 같이 모집하고 있습니다.
l 논문제출 마감일: 2019년 10월 30일
l 논문투고처: 홈페이지
l 이번 호는 국제판입니다. 저자는 영문, 독문, 불문으로 논문을 작성할 수 있습니다.
l 원고분량은 6,000단어, 원고지 150매입니다. 여기에 영문으로 작성된 요약과 5개의 키워드가
l 서평과 국제학술대회보고도 환영합니다.
l 게재가능으로 판정된 글들은 『서양고전학연구』 58-3, 2019 겨울 호에 게재됩니다.