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2012년 한국서양고전학회 제8회 국제추계학술대회


일시: 2012년 10월 20일 (토요일)

장소: 서울대학교 교육정보관 10-1동 301호

주관: 한국서양고전학회, 서울대학교 고전학연구소

지원: 서울대학교 고전학협동과정

8th International Symposium of the Korean Society of Greco-Roman Studies-

Seoul 2012 “Ancient Greek Philosophy”

Date: 20. 10 (Sat.), 2012

Place: #301, Bld 10-1, Information Center for Education, Seoul National University, Seoul

Organizers: The Korean Society of Greco-Roman Studies,

Institute of Classical Studies, Seoul National University

Supporters: Interdisciplinary Program for Classical Studies, Seoul National University, Korea Academic Research Council (Daewoo Research Foundation)

1. Opening Address

Chair: Young-Ran Chang (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)

14:00-14:20 Hee-Young Park (President of the Korean Society of Greco-Roman Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)

2. Symposium Session (14:20-17:20)

Chair: Iouseok Kim (Soongsil Univ., Korea)

14:20-15:20 Youngwhan Lee (Seoul Nat. Univ., Korea)

“Metaphysics E, 2. 1027 a 19-26: Is Aristotle expressing his View on Determinism?”

15:30-16:30 Misung Jang (Soongsil Univ., Korea)

“Aristotle’s Courage of the Mean”

16:40-17:40 Mario Vegetti (Pavia Univ., Italy)

“Philosophical Aspects in the New Galen”

18:00 Dinner'