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Classica et Christiana

Classica et Christiana
ISSN: 1842-3043



Obiectivele revistei:
  Classica et Christiana, editat? de Centrul de Studii Clasice ?i Cre?tine al Facult??ii de Istorie a Universit??ii “Al. I. Cuza” din Ia?i, are drept obiective publicarea unor contribu?ii semnate de speciali?ti rom?ni ?i str?ini dedicate at?t domeniilor tradi?ionale de cercetare a clasicismului greco-roman (istorie antic?, filologie clasic?, epigrafie greco-latin? etc.), c?t ?i promovarea unor direc?ii mai recente, precum Antichitatea t?rzie, patristica, via?a cotidian? ?n Antichitatea greco-latin? ?i cre?tin?, antropologia cultural? a lumii clasice ?i cre?tine timpurii ?.a.


The aims of the journal:


Classica et Christiana, published by the Center for Christian and Classical Studies of the Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University Iasi, aims the publication of contributions signed by Romanian and foreign researchers devoted to the traditional areas of research of the Greco-Roman classicism (ancient history, classical philology, Greek and Latin epigraphy, etc.), but also the promotion of the latest directions, like Late Antiquity, patristic, daily life in Greco-Latin Antiquity and Christian, cultural anthropology of the early classical and Christian world etc.

