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CLARA Classical Art and Archaeology

CLARA Classical Art and Archaeology

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 04:14 PM PST


CLARA Classical Art and Archaeology
So-called muse, from the Ustinow Collection, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. Copyrighted material.
CLARA is an open access journal hosted by the Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo and administered by an international Editorial Board. The main objective is to annually publish papers of a high academic quality within the field of Classical Art and Archaeology and to make them accessible to a wide scholarly public.

Vol 1 (2016)

Cover Clara volum 1
CLARA Classical Art and Archaeology Vol. 1
Chief Editor Marina Prusac, PhD, Associate Professor, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
Volume Editor Adam Lindhagen, PhD, Stockholm University
Editorial Assistant 1 Astri Karine Lundgren, MA Classical Archaeology, University of Oslo
Editorial Assistant 2 Anette Sættem, Advisor, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo
For the Editorial Board follow this link.

Cover Image: Close-up image of so-called muse, Roman copy of Hellenistic original. From the Ustinow Collection, probably acquired in Israel, Palestine or Syria. Oslo, Museum of Cultural History, inv. C42183. Photo: Morten Teigen, Museum of Cultural History ? 

CLARA is published by way of the Oslo University Library Open Access platform FRITT. All rights and guidelines are available on the periodical’s website.

ISSN: to be added late 2016, after the closure of Volume 1.