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Prudentia: A journal devoted to the thought, literature and history of the ancient world, and to their tradition

Posted: 17 Mar 2017 03:46 AM PDT


Prudentia: A journal devoted to the thought, literature and history of the ancient world, and to their tradition
ISSN: 0110-487X (Print)
ISSN: 2382-1620 (Online)   
Prudentia contains original articles on topics related to the study of the ancient world by scholars involved in the historical and literary research of the period. The articles are of interest to students of the ancient world, and to teachers involved in the Classical Studies programme in secondary schools in New Zealand, and of course to all who are involved with topics related to the ancient world at tertiary level. There are many book reviews in each issue, so that Prudentia provides a useful resource for those who want to keep up to date in the field.


Reviews 2008-2013

Table of Contents


[Review] DARYN GRAHAM, Rome and Parthia: Power, Politics and Profit. North Charleston: Createspace, 2012.
Dominic Perry

[Review] VISHWA ADLURI, Parmenides, Plato and Mortal Philosophy: Return from Transcendence. London: Continuum Books, 2010
Edward Jeremiah

[Review] ROGER S. BAGNALL, Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011
Brent Nongbri

[Review] RALPH W. MATHISEN AND DANUTA SHANZER (eds.), Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World. Surrey: Ashgate, 2011
Christopher W. Malone

[Review] ORY AMITAY, From Alexander to Jesus. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2010
Paul McKechnie

[Review] MARGARET M. MILES (ed.), Cleopatra: A Sphinx Revisited. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 2011
Alastair Blanchard

[Review] THOMAS COOKSEY, Plato's Symposium. London; New York: Continuum Books, 2010
Anthony Hooper 


1998: Supplementary Number: Sidere Mens Eadem Mutato

The Todd Memorial Lectures The University of Sydney 1976-1997. Edited by Frances Muecke


Vol 27, No 2 (1995)
Vol 27, No 1 (1995)
1994: Supplementary Number: Tradition and Traditions
Papers from a conference on Tradition and Traditions held at St Patrick's College, Manly, N.S.W., 12-15 July, 1990. Edited by D.W. Dockrill and R.G. Tanner.

1993: Supplementary Number: Multarum Artium Scientia
A 'chose' for R. Godfrey Tanner contributed by his allies upon rumours of his retirement, edited by Kevin Lee, Chris Mackie, and Harold Tarrant.

1988: Supplementary Number: The Idea of Salvation
Papers from the Conference on the Idea of Salvation, Sacred and Secular, held at St Paul's College, University of Sydney, 22-25 August, 1986. Edited by D. W. Dockrlll and R. G. Tanner University of Newcastle, N. S. W.

1985: Supplementary Number: The Concept of Spirit
Papers from The Concept of Spirit Conference held at St Paul's College, University of Sydney, 21-24 May 1984.
Edited by D. W. Dockrill and R. G. Tanner, University of Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia
