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Women in Antiquity

Women in Antiquity: An Online Resource for the Study of Women in the Ancient World

Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

Women in Antiquity: An Online Resource for the Study of Women in the Ancient World
This interactive website is an international collaboration between students enrolled in Women in Antiquity courses across North America. Originally created by Mount Allison University students in the spring of 2017 under the instruction of Chelsea Gardner, further contributions were added by Rutgers University-Camden students in Fall 2017 under the instruction of Abbe Walker and, again, by Mount Allison University students in the fall 2018 under the instruction of John Fabiano. Each student researched a topic of their choice relating to the overall course subject, and then populated a page of their own; their research is academic, but the web pages are intended for a general audience. Please take a look around, explore and learn about the lives and myths of women and goddesses from ancient Greece and Rome. We welcome any and all suggestions, so please feel free to comment on the pages. Enjoy! 